Beveron Smart Lawyer Office is the leading law office management software in Algeria, offering AI-po...
Beveron Smart Lawyer Office is Nigeria's leading law office management software, offering secure, ef...
Beveron Smart Lawyer Office is the leading law office management software in Indonesia, offering adv...
“Better to be three hours too soon, than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare
Speaking of any stages of business, what really matters to a businessman is the timely investment of right resources. Considering all instabilities of market, an ideal businessperson is supposed to save their resources and utilise it regularly. Do we need an extra reason to prove that ‘time’ itself is the most valuable asset to any aspiring lawyers, especially for their growing firms. In a world, which is rapidly evolving around people, managing and saving your time is an immediate step to take. A major misunderstanding buzzing around time management is that maximum utilization of time is a thing to celebrate in your time management goals. Sorry to be honest friends, it’s high time to realize what matters is making the best use of time than long hours of work schedule.
The recent legal Trends Report studied work habits of over 40,000 lawyers and found to know that Attorney’s spend only 2.2 hours of their time on billable work, that’s a paltry 28 % of an average eight-hour workday, and even less if you’re working more. So what we need is some smart measures to overcome the crisis, which should be planned, executed and activated carefully. Market experts will sell the same stories of time saving tips for saving your firm from the scarcity of time. Personally, I would recommend you guys to depend the same legal technology for another favour. By understanding the seriousness of situation, technical measures is going to favour you more than the usual time saving tips and procedures. Don’t think too much decide, it’s time for technology
• Say Hi to Mobile
Applications According to ‘Statista’, there were over 149.3 billion mobile application downloads in the year of 2016 alone. The same report shows that more than 2.8 million and 2.8 billion applications were available for download in the Google Play and Apple App stores respectively. Let’s back to 2022 and have a discussion about those 6 years happened in between the technical revolution. Forget about the numbers, the timeline of technology itself is too much to think for a human mind. Coming to tech stats, both the mobile applications and users are literally skyrocketing in numbers. What else do we need to realize that depending technology and make use of technology in your hands is the right solution for the situation. Anyway, it’s somewhat clear that there is a plethora of technology to make use of in part of time management. It’s technically proven that the right usage of technical application is saving a descent amount of a lawyer’s time, which can be used to conduct some quality legal search or to focus in some paperless legal presentations. For an example, it would be easier for an attorney to manage a contract management with utilising it in another mission.
• Be a master of delegates
As part of being a smart player, it’s always important to find new smart moves in your new missions. In search of smart measures in time management, we happened to realize that art of delegation can make big changes in your work schedules. Always remember to check on your fellow employees and help them to manage their time, which is a collective management of time. To be an expert in delegation is nothing but managing your lawyers along with the firm. By taking enough decisions, assigning proper roles and having productive plans, you can reschedule the whole work routine of your firm with enough time to save.
Technology is keep finding answers for your questions including this issue of managing the time. It’s in your hands to decide the next move of your firm. What will be yours new decision?