Smart Lawyers in UAE Community | UAE | Kuwait | Saudi Arabia | Bahrain | Qatar | Oman | Sudan | India | Kenya | Nigeria | Singapore | Morocco | Egypt | Malaysia | Indonesia

Smart Lawyers in UAE Community

Smart Lawyers in UAE is a legal tech community that aims to connect and empower lawyers, in house counsels, legaltech professionals and law students in the UAE. The community was founded by Brijesh Chedayan, a legal expert and entrepreneur who saw the need for a platform where legal practitioners can network, learn and share their insights on legal technology.
The community conducts regular learning sessions on legal technology, covering topics such as digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence, blockchain, e-commerce, cybersecurity and more. These sessions are delivered by experts from the legal industry, academia and tech companies, and provide valuable insights and practical skills for the members.


The community also offers opportunities for members to collaborate, exchange ideas, seek advice and support each other in their legal careers. Members can access a variety of resources, such as articles, podcasts, webinars, newsletters and events related to legal technology. Members can also showcase their achievements, projects and innovations on the community platform.
Membership is free and open to anyone who is interested in legal technology and its impact on the legal industry. To join the community, one can simply fill out an online form on the website or follow the community on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.


By joining Smart Lawyers in UAE, members can benefit from:

- Networking with like-minded professionals and peers from different sectors and backgrounds

- Learning from experts and thought leaders on the latest trends and developments in legal technology

- Enhancing their skills and knowledge on how to leverage technology to improve their legal practice and service delivery

- Discovering new opportunities and challenges in the legal tech landscape

- Contributing to the growth and innovation of the legal industry in the UAE

- Share Job opportunities


Smart Lawyers in UAE is a unique and dynamic community that aims to foster a culture of learning, collaboration and innovation among legal practitioners in the UAE. It is a platform where members can explore, experiment and embrace legal technology as a tool for enhancing their professional development and performance.